

Relax with Herbal Tea

Hi, there. I'm Tommy Woods.

The other day, my wife gave me a herbal tea. So I tried it. I could relax more than I thought.

I've tried some herb tea a few times before but I was not good with their tastes. So I stopped drinking them.

I tried it again and I found that I could relax with it. After drinking them for a few days, I got used to that tastes.

I don't know what is the best harbal tea but I'll write down the item that I bought for your reference.

Yogi Conforting Chamomile


By the way, I wonder if Yogi is famous in the world.

Yogi seems to use natural ingredient.

After I finish my work, I can relax very much with herbal tea listening to classical music or jazz music.

I take a short break during work and drink herbal tea. It makes me relaxed. I tend to concentrate too much and get tired. So herbal tea is good to a short break.

I can switch from work mode to private mode by drinking herbal tea when I finish my work. So I can enjoy my time. 
(I wonder this sentences are natural in English.)

Herbal tea is good to relax.

I hope you can relax.

See you.